Amy Jo Johnson
Biographical Information
Sex: | F |
Age: | 53 |
Birth Date: | October 6, 1970 |
Astrology Sign: | Libra |
Chinese Sign: | Dog - Yin |
Birth Name: | |
Birth Place: | Cape Cod, Massachusetts, USA |
Website: | http://www.amyjojohnson.com/ |
Biography: | Amy Jo Johnson (born October 6, 1970) is an actress and entertainer. She was born in Cape Cod, Massachusetts, USA, and her most notable roles have been as Kimberly Ann Hart the Pink Power Ranger (1993-1996) on the television series Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and as "Julie Emrick" (1998-2000) on the college drama series Felicity.
Achievements: | (Filmography) Outward Blonde (2006) Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie (1995)
Chinese Horoscope for Amy Jo Johnson
Includes characteristics and Vices
Chinese Year: |
February 06, 1970 -
January 26, 1971 |
Birthday: |
October 6, 1970 |
The Dog is a Yin,
and is the Eleventh sign of the Chinese horoscope.
Constancy Heroism Respectability Duty Intelligence Morality
Uneasiness Criticism Self-Righeousness Cynicism Unsociability Tactlessness
Personality and Character Cards:
Personality and character cards are identical!
The Lovers - Personality Card
Birthday: October 6, 1970
A relationship or love affair with a trial or choice involved.
This year's Growth Tarot Card
Based on this year's birthday
The Hierophant
Birthday: October 6, 2023
Guidance on religious matters and the need to find spiritual meaning in life.