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Barbara Bain
Biographical Information

Birth Date:September 13, 1931
Astrology Sign:Virgo
Chinese Sign:Sheep - Yang
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Occupation:Movie actress

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Barbara Bain

Biography:Barbara Bain (born 13 September 1931) is an American actress.

Bain was born Millicent Fogel, in Chicago, Illinois. She graduated from the University of Illinois with a Bachelor's Degree in Sociology and moved to New York City where she was a dancer and high fashion model. Bain studied with Martha Graham, thus cementing her interest in dancing. After attending Lee Strasberg's Actors Studio, she changed careers to acting.

In 1957, she married actor Martin Landau, with whom she would later star on television. The couple have two children, actress Juliet Landau and film producer Susan Bain Landau Finch. Landau and Bain divorced in 1993.

Bain is best known for her role in the television series Mission: Impossible in the role of "Cinnamon Carter" (1966 - 1969), a role she later reprised in one episode of Diagnosis: Murder. She won three consecutive Emmies for Best Dramatic Actress. Martin Landau also starred in the series. Later, she starred opposite Landau again in the science fiction television series, Space: 1999 (1975 - 1977), as Dr. Helena Russell.

Bain appeared in the tenth episode of the TV series My So-Called Life, playing Claire Danes' grandmother.

Since then, Bain has worked to further the cause of many charities, including literacy.

Chinese Horoscope for Barbara Bain
Includes characteristics and Vices
Barbara Bain's Chinese Horoscope
Chinese Year: February 17, 1931 - February 05, 1932
Birthday: September 13, 1931

The Sheep is a Yang,
and is the Eighth sign of the Chinese horoscope.

Good Manners
Lack of Foresight

Personality and Character Cards:
Personality and character cards are identical!

Barbara Bain's Personality Tarot Card The Hermit - Personality Card

Birthday: September 13, 1931

A time for soul searching and meditation; a need for patience and solitude.

This year's Growth Tarot Card
Based on this year's birthday

Barbara Bain's Growth Tarot Card Justice

Birthday: September 13, 2023

Balance, wisdom and a need for rational, logical solutions.




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