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Benjamin Parke
Biographical Information

Birth Date:September 2, 1777
Astrology Sign:Virgo
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Died Date:July 12, 1835

Occupation:US Politician

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Benjamin Parke

Biography:Benjamin Parke (September 2, 1777 - July 12, 1835) was a 19th century American soldier and politician. Born in New Jersey, he moved to Lexington, Kentucky in 1797, where he studied law in the office of James Brown. He moved on to Vincennes, Indiana between 1799 and 1801.

Parke served as Attorney General of the Indiana Territory from 1804 to 1808.

In 1805, Parke was elected to the first territorial legislature. He was then selected as the territory's first representative in Congress. While serving in Congress, responding to requests from his constituents, Parke asked that body to amend the Northwest Ordinance to allow slavery in Indiana. This effort was unsuccessful.

Captain Benjamin Parke commanded a troop of Indiana Light Dragoons at the Battle of Tippecanoe in 1811. He was promoted to major, and took command of all mounted forces after Major Joseph Hamilton Daviess was killed.

Parke served as a delegate from Knox County, Indiana at the state consitutional convention in 1816. He was U.S. District Judge for Indiana from 1817 until 1835.

Parke was involved in the founding of the Vincennes public library and Vincennes University. He was the first president of the Indiana State Historical Society.

Parke died on July 12, 1835 in Salem, Indiana. He is buried at Crown Hill Cemetery in Indianapolis.

Personality and Character Cards:
Personality and character cards are identical!

Benjamin Parke's Personality Tarot Card The Lovers - Personality Card

Birthday: September 2, 1777

A relationship or love affair with a trial or choice involved.

This year's Growth Tarot Card
Based on this year's birthday

Benjamin Parke's Growth Tarot Card The Moon

Birthday: September 2, 2023

A period of illusion, uncertainty and fluctuation.




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