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Jan Smithers
Biographical Information

Birth Date:July 3, 1949
Astrology Sign:Cancer
Chinese Sign:Ox - Yin
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Occupation:Movie actress

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Jan Smithers

Biography:Jan Smithers (born July 3, 1949) is an American television and film actress.

Smithers grew up in Woodland Hills, California. She played the character "Bailey Quarters" on the popular television series WKRP in Cincinnati. She first reached the public eye as a teenager, when she was featured on the cover of a 1966 issue of Newsweek, seated on a motorcycle. As a result of that exposure, she landed some commercial modeling work while pursuing her studies at the California Institute of the Arts.

As a teen, Ms. Smithers was involved in a car accident which left a permanent scar on her chin. To avoid another car that ran a stop sign, Jan swerved and hit a telephone pole. The impact smashed her face into the steering wheel, causing the injury. This scar cost her some roles, and according to Jan, made her feel insecure about her looks.

From 1987 through 1995 she was married to actor James Brolin. They had one daughter together. Although she had been living in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada and had retired from show business, she is now living in Ojai, California and is reported to be considering a return to acting.

Achievements: (Filmography)
Mr. Nice Guy (1987)

Chinese Horoscope for Jan Smithers
Includes characteristics and Vices
Jan Smithers's Chinese Horoscope
Chinese Year: January 29, 1949 - February 16, 1950
Birthday: July 3, 1949

The Ox is a Yin,
and is the Second sign of the Chinese horoscope.

Strength of Purpose

Personality and Character Cards:
Personality and character cards are identical!

Jan Smithers's Personality Tarot Card The Lovers - Personality Card

Birthday: July 3, 1949

A relationship or love affair with a trial or choice involved.

This year's Growth Tarot Card
Based on this year's birthday

Jan Smithers's Growth Tarot Card The Star

Birthday: July 3, 2023

Hope, promise, renewal, and light after darkness.




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