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Jim Dine
Biographical Information

Birth Date:June 16, 1935
Astrology Sign:Gemini
Chinese Sign:Pig - Yin
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Jim Dine

Biography:Jim Dine (born June 16, 1935) is an American pop artist. He is sometimes considered to be a part of the Neo-Dada movement. He was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, attended the University of Cincinnati and received a BFA from Ohio University in 1957. He first earned respect in the art world with his Happenings. Pioneered with artists Claes Oldenburg and Allen Kaprow, in conjunction with musician John Cage the "Happenings" were chaotic performance art that was a stark contrast with the more somber mood of the expressionists popular in the New York art world. The first of these was the 30 second The Smiling Worker performed in 1959.

In the early 1960s Dine produced pop art with items from everyday life. These provided commercial as well as critical success, but left Dine unsatisfied. In 1967 he moved to London, England where he was represented by the art dealer Robert Fraser spending the next four years developing his art. Returning to the United States in 1971 he focused on several series of drawings. In the 1980s sculpture resumed a prominent place in his art. In the time since then there has been an apparent shift in the subject of his art from manmade objects to nature.

In 1984, the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota, exhibited his work as "Jim Dine: Five Themes," and in 1989, the Minneapolis Institute of Arts hosted "Jim Dine Drawings: 1973-1987."

Chinese Horoscope for Jim Dine
Includes characteristics and Vices
Jim Dine's Chinese Horoscope
Chinese Year: February 04, 1935 - January 23, 1936
Birthday: June 16, 1935

The Pig is a Yin,
and is the Twelfth sign of the Chinese horoscope.


Personality and Character Cards:
Personality and character cards are identical!

Jim Dine's Personality Tarot Card The Emperor - Personality Card

Birthday: June 16, 1935

Material success, stability, authority and ambition.

This year's Growth Tarot Card
Based on this year's birthday

Jim Dine's Growth Tarot Card Justice

Birthday: June 16, 2023

Balance, wisdom and a need for rational, logical solutions.




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