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Robert Winthrop Kean
Biographical Information

Birth Date:September 28, 1893
Astrology Sign:Libra
Chinese Sign: -
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Died Date:September 21, 1980

Occupation:US Politician

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Robert Winthrop Kean

Biography:Robert Winthrop Kean (September 28, 1893; Elberon, New Jersey - September 21, 1980; Livingston, New Jersey) was a Republican politician who represented New Jersey in the U.S. House of Representatives for twenty years.

Kean was the great-great-grandson of John Kean, a delegate to the Continental Congress, a nephew of U.S. Senator John Kean, son of Senator Hamilton Fish Kean. He graduated from St. Mark's School (1911) and Harvard University (1915), and father of former governor Thomas Kean. He served in the National Guard and later in the United States Army during World War I earning the rank of lieutenant, the Silver Star, and the Distinguished Service Cross.

After the war, Kean worked in investment banking in New Jersey and New York City. In 1938 he was elected as a congressman representing New Jersey's 12th district. He served in that position for twenty years until his retirement from Congress in 1959.

Kean University is named in honor of Robert Kean.

Personality and Character Cards:
Numerology is used to calculate tarot cards

Robert Winthrop Kean's Personality Tarot Card Death - Personality Card

Birthday: September 28, 1893

Changes: the end of the old and the birth of the new.

Robert Winthrop Kean's Character Tarot Card The Emperor - Character Card

Birthday: September 28, 1893

Material success, stability, authority and ambition.

This year's Growth Tarot Card
Based on this year's birthday

Robert Winthrop Kean's Growth Tarot Card Strength

Birthday: September 28, 2023

A time for self-awareness involving courage, strength, and determination.




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