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Daughter of Oenus, king of Caledon, who offered her in marriage to the man who could vanquish the river god Acheloos at wrestling. Hercules did so, and Deianeira became his wife. Thereafter, Hercules destroyed the stronghold of Oechalia, and having put the king, who had reneged on a bargain to promise his daughter, Iole to him, despite the fact that Hercules had carried out all of the tasks asked of him, the demigod carried off Iole, intending to sacrifice her to Zeus. However, Deianeira, hearing of this and fearing that her husband's love for Iole was being rekindled, sent to him the robe in which he normally sacrificed, but steeped it in a preparation given her by the Centaur Nessor, meant to bring back the ardour of her husband for her. She did not realise that the potion was deadly posion, and Hercules, donning the robe, quickly died. On hearing of this, Deianeria killed herself.

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