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The Welsh wizard bard, he began life as Gwion bach, aservant to the witch Cardiwen, who was one day mixing a great concoction which, aftera year's boiling, would yield three blessed drops. Whoever swallowed these dropswould know all the secrets of the past, present and future. Helping to tend the firebeneath the cauldron, Gwion Bach's hand was scorched by some of the drippingliquid, and before Cardiwen could stop him, he had sucked his finger, and received theknowledge.Enraged, the witch chased the boy, finally catching him, after numerous transformations, in the shape of a hen while he took the form of a grain of wheat.Thrown into the sea at last, he was caught in a fish trap, and called Taliesin by thosewho saw him, because of his radiant brow. He went on to become one of the mostaccomplished wizards and sages in the kingdom.

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