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Category: Breast
   Cruciferous Vegetables - Herb/Nutrient Cruciferous Vegetables
Ingredients: Cruciferous Vegetables
Symptoms: Breast enlargement, disfigurement, pain, cancer
Description: Research conducted by Dr. Jon Michnovicz of the Institute for Hormone Research and Dr. Leon Bradlow of the Strang Institute, suggests that increased consumption of cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage and Brussels sprouts may reduce the risk of certain cancers, particularly breast cancer. Cruciferous vegetables contain indoles - a unique class of phytonutrients that have been scientifically shown to balance hormone levels, detoxify the intestines and liver and reinforce the body's immune system.
Submitted by:        Herbivore
     Submitted  03/15/2006

Cruciferous Vegetables
Cruciferous Vegetables

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