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Kellie Martin
Biographical Information

Birth Date:October 16, 1975
Astrology Sign:Libra
Chinese Sign:Rabbit - Yin
Birth Name:Kellie Noelle Martin
Birth Place:Riverside, CA


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Kellie Martin

Biography:Kellie Martin (born October 16, 1975) is an American actress. She was born in Riverside, California.

Among many roles in motion pictures, made-for-TV movies and television series, she is most famous for her role as Rebecca "Becca" Thatcher on the drama Life Goes On, which ran on ABC from 1989 to 1993.

In 1994, she was given her own series, acting alongside Tyne Daly in the period drama Christy, which ran for 21 episodes. In 1997, she starred in the 6-episode long Crisis Center.

In 1995, she starred in The Face on the Milk Carton, a TV film based on the book by Caroline Cooney about a teenager who finds out she was kidnapped 13 years ago from her real family and had been raised by the parents of her kidnapper.

In 1998, she took on the role of medical student Lucy Knight on ER, a role she played until 2000. For ER fans, the episode in which she died is considered to be one of the very best by most polls, always within the top 10 episodes. Kellie reportedly asked to be written out of the show to concentrate on her studies. Additionally, the recent death of her sister made her uncomfortable in hospital settings.

In 2002, Lifetime started a television series, Fiona, based on Warren Adler's The Fiona FitzGerald Mysteries as a starring vehicle for Martin, but it was never aired.

In 2003 Fiona was changed to Mystery Woman now airing on The Hallmark Channel. New episodes are still in production according to IMDB.

After her stint on Life Goes On, Kellie Martin got a reputation as being a staple in many television movies, most notably Death of a Cheerleader with Tori Spelling.

Chinese Horoscope for Kellie Martin
Includes characteristics and Vices
Kellie Martin's Chinese Horoscope
Chinese Year: February 11, 1975 - January 30, 1976
Birthday: October 16, 1975

The Rabbit is a Yin,
and is the Fourth sign of the Chinese horoscope.


Personality and Character Cards:
Numerology is used to calculate tarot cards

Kellie Martin's Personality Tarot Card The Hanged Man - Personality Card

Birthday: October 16, 1975

A sacrifice must be made in order to gain something of great value.

Kellie Martin's Character Tarot Card The Empress - Character Card

Birthday: October 16, 1975

Abundance, fruitfulness and fertility; perhaps marriage or children.

This year's Growth Tarot Card
Based on this year's birthday

Kellie Martin's Growth Tarot Card The Lovers

Birthday: October 16, 2023

A relationship or love affair with a trial or choice involved.




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