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Robert J. Bulkley
Biographical Information

Birth Date:October 8, 1880
Astrology Sign:Libra
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Died Date:July 21, 1965

Occupation:US Politician

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Robert J. Bulkley

Biography:Robert J. Bulkley (October 8, 1880-July 21, 1965) was a United States Democratic Party politician from Ohio. He served in the United States House of Representatives, and in the United States Senate from 1930 until 1939.

A graduate of Harvard University for undergraduate studies and law school, Bulkley commenced the practice of law in Cleveland, Ohio in 1906. Bulkley served two terms in the House from 1911-1915 from the 21st District on Cleveland's East Side. He was later elected to the U.S. Senate in 1930 to fill the vacancy created by the death of Theodore E. Burton. Bulkley was re-elected in 1932, but lost a bid for a second full term in 1938 to Robert A. Taft.

The Bulkley Building located in Playhouse Square in downtown Cleveland, Ohio is named after him.

Preceded by: Roscoe C. McCulloch United States Senator (Class 3) from Ohio 1930-1939 Succeeded by: Robert A. Taft I

Personality and Character Cards:
Personality and character cards are identical!

Robert J. Bulkley's Personality Tarot Card Strength - Personality Card

Birthday: October 8, 1880

A time for self-awareness involving courage, strength, and determination.

This year's Growth Tarot Card
Based on this year's birthday

Robert J. Bulkley's Growth Tarot Card The Chariot

Birthday: October 8, 2023

A struggle or conflict, yet strong potential for triumph over adversity.




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