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Thomas M. Norwood
Biographical Information

Birth Date:April 26, 1830
Astrology Sign:Taurus
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Died Date:June 19, 1913

Occupation:US Politician

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Thomas M. Norwood

Biography:Thomas M. Norwood (April 26, 1830 - June 19, 1913) was a United States Senator and Representative and from Georgia. Born in Talbot County, Georgia, he pursued an academic course, and graduated from Emory College in 1850. He studied law, and was admitted to the bar in 1852, commencing practice in Savannah. He was a member of the Georgia House of Representatives in 1851-1862 and was a presidential elector on the Democratic ticket in 1868. He was elected as a Democrat to the U.S. Senate and served from November 14, 1871 to March 3, 1877. He resumed the practice of law in Savannah, and was elected as a Representative to the Forty-ninth and Fiftieth U.S. Congresses, serving from March 4, 1855 to March 3, 1889. He again resumed the practice of law, and was appointed judge of the city court of Savannah in 1896, serving twelve years. He retured to his country home, "Hancock Hall," near Savannah, and died there in June of 1913. Interment was in Laurel Grove Cemetery, Savannah.

Personality and Character Cards:
Personality and character cards are identical!

Thomas M. Norwood's Personality Tarot Card The Lovers - Personality Card

Birthday: April 26, 1830

A relationship or love affair with a trial or choice involved.

This year's Growth Tarot Card
Based on this year's birthday

Thomas M. Norwood's Growth Tarot Card The Wheel of Fortune

Birthday: April 26, 2023

A new chapter is starting; problems are solved through changes in circumstances.




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