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Famous people in recent history

Celebrities starting with the letter U...

Below is a list of celebrities/famous people whose last names start with the letter U. Click on any of the links below for biographical information on actors, actresses, singers, song writers, political figures and more! Each profile includes birthday, place of birth, occupation, achievements, and pictures if available. We also include the person's astrological sign, Chinese sign, growth and personality tarot card (based on numerology).

  1. Alanna Ubach   - Movie actress     
  2. Stewart Lee Udall   - US Politician     
  3. Morris K. Udall   - US Politician     
  4. Mark Udall   - US Politician     
  5. Tom Udall   - US Politician     
  6. Kenechi Udeze   - American Football player     
  7. Bob Uecker   - Actor     
  8. Leslie Uggams   - Singer     
  9. Galina Ulanova   - Russion ballerina, now teacher and great mentor in Moscow     
  10. Tracey Ullman   - Singer     
  11. Albert Conrad Ullman   - US Politician     
  12. Norm Ullman   - Hockey player     
  13. Liv Ullmann   - Movie actress     
  14. Lars Ulrich   - Musician     
  15. Björn Ulvaeus   - Composer     
  16. Charles L. Underhill   - US Politician     
  17. Mell G. Underwood   - US Politician     
  18. Oscar Underwood   - US Politician     
  19. Oscar Wilder Underwood   - US Politician     
  20. Oscar W. Underwood   - US Politician     
  21. Joseph Rogers Underwood   - US Politician     
  22. Carrie Underwood   - Singer     
  23. Jacob Underwood   - Band member     
  24. Jay Underwood   - Actor     
  25. Robert A. Underwood   - US Politician     
  26. Gabrielle Union   - Movie actress     
  27. Johnny Unitas   - American Football player     
  28. Wes Unseld   - Basketball player     
  29. Al Unser   -     
  30. Bobby Unser   -     
  31. Al Unser, Jr.   -     
  32. Jolene Unsoeld   - US Politician     
  33. Stanley Unwin   - Comedian     
  34. John Updike   - novelist     
  35. William Upham   - US Politician     
  36. Gene Upshaw   - American Football player     
  37. Fred Upton   - US Politician     
  38. Karl Urban   - Actor     
  39. Ugueth Urbina   - Baseball Player     
  40. Mary Ure   - Movie actress     
  41. Robert Urich   - TV Actor     
  42. Leon Uris   - US novelist     
  43. Brian Urlacher   - American Football player     
  44. Milton Urner   - US Politician     
  45. Usher   - Actor     
  46. Peter Ustinov   - Actor/Director     
  47. James Boyd Utt   - US Politician